If you’ve read as many personal finance/budgeting articles as I have, you are probably sick of all of the “revolutionary” ideas that people come up with. Move to a cheaper place, refinance your mortgage, ditch your car, drop your cable.
Undoubtedly, all of these things can save you a LOT of money. But who can make such drastic changes overnight?
This blog is full of money-saving ideas that I have discovered. It is about making small changes to save incremental amounts of money. Some of my ideas are unorthodox, but you won’t hear me advising dumpster diving for extra coupons or stealing sugar packets from restaurants. All of the ideas are easy to implement and include products that are easy to find. Best of all, the majority of the ideas are not only good for your pocketbook, but also the environment!
The thoughts expressed in this blog are my opinions. Trying these frugal tips should be done so at your own risk. If the original source of an idea is known, I will reference it.
I would love to hear everyone else’s frugal and fun ideas!